We realise that we need to do a HUGE post explaining what we did, where we did it and why. We promise we will give detailed love explanations from the venue to the dress to the wooden signage...!
But for now we leave you with a few pictures that neatly sum up our lovely day.
Oh and how much do we love Otto Schulze! Wow. Awesomeness abounds. He documented our day in his awesomely quiet & gentle way, even though he is a 6 foot, blond haired, blue-eyed giant. Our friend stays far away in Denver, Colorado, with his awesome wife Lindsey and their beautiful daughter Sammy. Otto flew all the way over here to be the best man/photographer and we miss him very much already. Luckily we will be visiting them next year for our 'official' honeymoon, when we will be road-tripping through the USA! We can't wait - we love these guys so much!
”HAPPY HAPPY you two lovies! oh boo. i SO wish we could be there to sob with you all (especially that hubby of mine, he’s gonna be a mess, poor thing!) wow. it’s gonna be the most beautiful wedding EVER i think. truly. i wish i could glow over every little detail of every little thing that makes up this glorious vision of today, the embodiment of the creativity, spark, inspiration, beauty, and the love of you two…most eminently…which is altogether now a most radiant extension of HIM! you are HIS! just HIS! and it’s ALL TO KNOW HIM, period. and now you enter together in a most sacred idea of His..becoming one. it’s love some days and it’s definitely war some days! but it’s above and beyond and the best part and absolutely the most essential part is, it’s Him! this is his union and he will nurture it, perfectly. enjoy abundantly this celebration today, drink your fill! and know that we are thrilled for you, proud of you, and praising father with you! he did good, he did so good…” - Lindsey Schulze
Please be sure to check out Otto's blog as well quickly pop by Colorado Wedding & Style to vote for Otto - he is most definitely Colorado's best Wedding Photographer! He is actually just a few votes short, so please head over there and click 'vote favourite' underneath Otto Schulze Photographers.
Yay! Thank you so much for doing a great job Otto - we love you so much!
Be sure to check back soon-soon for more love pictures!