The move across the country turned out to be a lot more challenging than we thought - plus it's season here - plus it's that time of year. And yes, we are still unpacking boxes... 'darling, where are the X-mas decorations?!' :) x
We've been so busy shooting and flying back and forth between Jozi and Cape Town, we ended up neglecting our blog and all our friends that follow it! Huge apologies dear friends!
So today and in the next few weeks we'll be doing a LOT of catching up since we've shot an AWESOME 12, yep, twelve weddings in the last 8 weeks! Yikes. So we're actually going to skip all the Sneak Peeks and just do full posts - lucky you!
Jeanie and Mike
30 October 2010
Cafe Felix, Riebeck Kasteel
Western Cape
Not only is the couple from this darling wedding insanely good looking but they are also the biggest dorks! Bonus!
Jeanie and Mike are such sweet people plus they also love Jesus. Double bonus! :)
We felt super lucky to be part of this wedding and to now call these two awesome people friends.
For now we'll let the pictures do the talking and crack on with the other 11 weddings... more posts coming up!
Oh and be sure to head over to Rock n Roll Bride for a full interview with the bride!
much love,